Tuesday, February 7, 2012

I think that it is fitting that I start out with Isaiah 6:8

Also I heard the voice of the Lord saying
"whom shall I send,
And who will go for Us?"
Then I said, "Here am I! Send Me."

That is Me! That is what I have said to the Lord. That is a tattoo on my leg! Those words are felt in my heart. I would go anywhere and do anything the Lord asks of me. When I get the vision of this I actually see myself jumping up and down with so much excitement!

This blog is a start to a life long journey and my walk with God. My hope is that it will encourage you and give you a hope. I want to just start sharing what I am reading and what I am doing! So here we go!
I love you Kallie Linder! It has been your voice that I hear when I write!

So as of 2/7/2012 I am a student at Portland City Bible! I feel like the last 12 years I am full of experience and it is time that knowledge of the bible is added to ME! Hosea 4:6 God says "my people are destroyed for lack of knowledge" When the spirit and knowledge come together you have something powerful. I am not a person who wants power over anything except the darkness that surrounds so many people. So I am excited! We all learn differently and some of us need the outlines and the push to get it done. That is me! I do better with some things knowing I have a deadline to meet!

Pray for me! As I learn I will share what God is doing with me for the day!!! Love me! I may not always be correct but one thing for sure I have a daddy that loves me and has given me a great grace to live under!

Love you Most!! Lynette

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